Proposed Projects 31

Have an idea to improve bicycling in Charlotte?  Shout it out.

What ideas do you have to make riding a bike in Charlotte better?  Let’s see what we can do to encourage people to ride their bike.  We want to support people who really ride – like YOU!

We’ll do the projects that we can all get excited about.  If it’s not exciting, we won’t bother.  Let us know what you think is a good or bad idea.

Thanks for your ideas!

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31 thoughts on “Proposed Projects

  • coffeeNdogs

    Hello everyone! I’m new to the site and just wanted to find out about bike rides in the area to participate in. I look forward to meeting more bike enthusiasts like myself!

  • drefleury

    Hello! I’m new to the group, and looking forward to some rides. I am also interested in approaching the city council to require side under-ride guards on city trucks to protect pedestrians and cyclists. At least 15 cities across the country have already done it, with Chicago coming on board this week.
    Is anyone interested in partnering with me on this effort? I have a power point prepared, and can easily get you up to speed. Having the support of a cycling advocacy group would probably mean a lot to the city council… It’s an incremental change to make our streets safer. Thanks in advance! I have a million other ideas for street and design safety measures, but this one immediately saves lives.

  • archiham

    I have recently learned that Crown Town Compost is using bikes for their delivery and pick up service.  I would like to support them just on the premise that they use their bikes instead of cars or trucks.  How can we promote more bike based business?  A directory?  Who would be on it today?  Rickshaw service immediatley comes to mind…

  • Brant

    Hello team!  My name is Brant.  I want to thank Pam, Mark, and Jessica for allowing me to join your team.  I just enjoyed my first Common Market Tuesday night ride tonight, and it was awesome!  Really enjoyed the music selections from Mark's bottle.  I ride every day, so I hope to be able to add many miles for the remainder of the Challenge.  I average 20-30 miles each day; pretty good for an old fart like me!  Hope to meet you all soon.

  • pambikes

    Bike Library – Loan out bikes like books so people can try out bike riding and different bikes before they buy one. Rescue old bikes headed for the landfill. ReCycle them (pun intended). Provide the gift of bike riding to those who may not be able to afford one. These could be loaned out with a deposit or daily/weekly/monthly nominal fee to cover the cost of purchasing and maintaining them. Cars are money pits. Empower power to pedal and save money. Try riding or the bike/bus option. Riding is so much more satisfying than driving and a lot less expensive. And it’s so much faster than walking.

  • Noodl143

    Are we educating new (14 year olds) about how to react to bicycles on the road? A live demo durring drivers ed classes can help more than the glossing over in the textbook that happens in class.

    • pambikes

      I agree that driver’s ed needs to include how to operate around bicycles. A big thank you to Deb Thompson with The Adam Little Foundation is working through The Driver Education and Training Administrators (DETA), a national organization that assists states with implementing the national driver’s ed standards. She presented a great curriculum that includes a comprehensive unit on Sharing the Road with Bicyclists. Here’s the link to the page. Scroll down until you see the link.

      You can follow the progress of this issue on The Adam Little facebook page. This curriculum will be added June 2015.

  • Noodl143

    One of our facebook groups thought of a vending machine for bike parts. lube, multi tools, inner tubes, a folded tyre, energy bars, water bottles, etc. this would also be a profit to the shop who stocks it.

    • ryan

      This is totally an example of something we could do ourselves this month. We might be able to scrape together capital or inventory from a bike shop. We just need to get location approval from a landowner on a good spot, and then keep eyes peeled for a machine. There are docs online for retrofitting vending machines.

      • froglegz57

        There are a ton of bikes around the CPCC Campus Downtown.  Lots of students and lots of folks passing through.  Might be a good location and they might go for it for the publicity it would generate. Just a thought.

    • Noodl143

      not just map connectivity, but real time/sighted conditions. when it rained the other day, the greenway overflowed, if others could know when things like this or road construction starts or finishes, or whatever.

      • pambikes

        There may need to be 2 different maps. One for an accumulation of long term stuff and one for current conditions. It seems the 2 maps would require different solutions. One solution would be infrastructure and the other maintenance. It’s good to think of these things first before we build the map. Thanks for the suggestion. Who has mapping GIS skills?

  • Zeke

    Little Sugar Creek Greenway
    1. Connect the existing segments between 7th St. and 12th St.
    2. Complete the proposed section from Brandywine Rd. to the Carolina Place Mall.
    3. A transition needs to be built from the existing end at Parkwood Ave. to connect safely with the bike lanes that are on N. Davidson St.

    • pambikes

      ” A transition needs to be built from the existing end at Parkwood Ave. to connect safely with the bike lanes that are on N. Davidson St.” Are you talking about the end of the greenway from Alexander Park? If so, a tunnel will go under Parkwood and end near the yellow sculpture to get you to the N. Davidson bike lane side.

      I’d also like to see a ramp from 15th behind Trips for Kids to Parkwood so you can use the pig path to Brevard. Right now I ride off the curb but there is a curve and a hill where drivers may be approaching quickly.

  • pambikes

    Build more bike corrals in high visibility locations to encourage people to ride their bike. One location is Pizza Peel, Dairy Queen, Bistro La Bon/Healthy Home Market – all on Central Ave. As cars stream by, maybe someone will get the idea to get on their bike.

  • pambikes

    Go on a S24O (sub 24 hour overnight) bike camping trip. Just to see if I like it and I can carry what I need. Ride out with my stuff, camp overnight then ride back. Who wants to go? Where?