National Bike Challenge
Just a few things on the National Bike Challenge. The Challenge begins May 1st and goed through September 30th. Click here for the FAQ. The main thing is you ride your bike. Try to ride everyday. It doesn't matter if you ride one mile or 20 or 50 in a day. Just ride. Keep track of your mileage. The easiest way is to jot it down. You'll bascially know how many miles it is to most places you go such as work, grocery store, wherever. You can choose to use Endomondo, Strava, Garmin… but those all suck the power out of your phone or device because of the GPS. (This is anecdotal since I don't use a phone). You have until the last day of the month to enter your mileage for that month. I try to enter mine at least weekly so I don't forget and then the 1st rolls around and you can't enter your mileage.
To enter your mileage, go to the home page for NBC and click on the middle flag to log your miles.
To check your ranking, I think it's easiest to go to your profile. Your profile shows your ranking, which team you're on, your community and state. To get to your profile, scroll down on the home page and click on the person looking silhouette on the right hand side of the orange tab. This is the top icon. You can click on each of those (Team/Community/State) and it will show the leaderboard for each. When you click on each person, you can then see what team each person is on.
Thanks for joining the team. There's an African proverb that says "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." So we'll all go together.