Key West Butterfly & Nature Conservatory 1

Key West Butterfly & Nature Conservatory


The Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory located at 1316 Duval Street, Key West, Florida, USA is a butterfly park that houses from 50-60 different species of live butterflies from around the world in a climate controlled, glass enclosed habitat.


The conservatory includes flowering plants, cascading waterfalls and trees. There are also several species of free flying "butterfly friendly" birds, such as red-factor canaries, zebra finches, cordon-blue finches and "button" or Chinese painted quail.[1]

You've found your last clue!  Congratulations!  Now go reward yourself with a slice of vegan key lime cheese cake at The Cafekey lime

If you want to start from the beginning here's your first clue….

fortsmallerThis bike path might be crossed by many a' present day "dinosaur".  Watch out in the cooler months I hear they will fall right out of the trees.

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