You can take a look at all my routes. These are on Map My Ride. I need to get better about naming and tagging them so I can tell where they go. But anyway, here's how to find my route on Map My Ride. Type in PMTNR and Charlotte NC and they should come up. If I can figure out how to post a link, I'll edit this and insert it in this article. I'm not good at this stuff. [Try (requires login, free) -RS]
Warning: I know these routes may not be the shortest, most direct routes but are mostly low traffic, fun to ride (that is, not hilly) streets. '
Some people have said they'd like to learn to get around better by bike. I've just ridden around on all the roads to see which ones I like. I use a map book – the ADC Street Atlas so i can see all the streets. Then I take a look at Google Maps and Map My Ride. I can click on roads I want to be on Map My Ride but sometimes I plug in a destination on Google Maps and use the Bike option to see what it would propose. Some paths and parking lot cut throughs aren't on Google and it won't allow me to add these on Map Maker since they dont' qualify as bike paths. Most streets in Charlotte are very rideable. The exception is the arterial roads. Sometimes these can't be avoided since they are sometimes the only way to cross a RR track, creek, etc.
Just ride.