
Charlotte is a Great Biking City 3

Best Cities

There are many important things a city can do to gain our consideration for this list: segregated bike lanes, municipal bike racks and bike boulevards, to name a few. If you have those things in your town, cyclists probably have the ear of the local government—another key factor. To make our Top 50, a city must also support a vibrant and diverse bike culture, and it must have smart, savvy bike shops.
Above is the first paragraph from the Bicycling article of the 50 best cities for biking.  I’m sure you’ve seen the article.   I take issue with the criteria and results.  Charlotte is a great place to ride your bike.  We may not have segregated bike lanes or bike boulevards but we do have buses and light rail trains equipped with bike racks.  We have the support of the city transportation department through the installation of bike detection signals at many intersections so bike can trigger the traffic signal and safely cross.  We have many municipal bike racks and building codes that require new buildings to provide both covered and uncovered bike parking.  Light rail park and ride stations have bike lockers where you can store your bike in a covered locker to secure your bike and all accessories.  Some buildings even provide bike lockers.  Bike culture in Charlotte is growing and diverse.  Not only does Charlotte have a variety of charity and race events such as 24 Hours of Booty and the Novant Criterium, we have great mountain biking, cross, and track events on local area trails, such as the Whitewater Center and the Rock Hill velodrome.  We have great local bike shops of all kinds.  We have a thriving Bike Benefits program that is the largest program in the country.  We have 190 businesses who support cyclists riding to their business by thanking them with an economic incentive.  We have bicycle events year round.  We have a great resource of Trips for Kids / The Recyclery that provides low income children a mountain bike experience they wouldn’t have otherwise.  TFK also has an earn a bike program and a shop that trains volunteers to work on bikes.  What a great community resource!  While some Charlotteans are intimidated by  changes in temperature and thus do not bike year round, Charlotte does have a temperate climate that enables one to bike all year.  I have biked year round for years.  I sometimes think the temperate climate decreases people’s likelihood to bike year round because small changes in temperature or weather seem to throw us.  But in places like Chicago, NYC or Madison where people are cooped up all winter, they burst outside to bike as soon as the daytime temperature hits 50 degrees or so.  It’s also similar in places like Seattle or Portland when it’s sunny.  Any time there’s a positive break in weather, people get outside.  I feel we in Charlotte often take for granted our pleasant climate.
Charlotte also has a thriving bike sharing system that has been a big hit.  We have a great tree canopy and a beautifully lush landscape.  Riding under the shade of the trees down streets full of unique homes is a daily treat in our hometown.  Neighborhoods are filled with beaming homeowners who take great pride in their homes.  Charlotte is a nice and clean city.   Cycling it is fairly straightforward.  For instance, while arterial roads do have to be used in some instances where creeks, rail road and utility rights of way cut through or where cul de sac neighborhoods were once built, most neighborhoods are connected.  We don’t have miles of bike lanes because they aren’t necessary.  Most of the streets are bike friendly.   I have a dislike for badly built bike lanes anyway even though that is part of the criteria for being rated in best cycling cities (See blog post).    My opinion on this is based on my riding experience with over 29,000 miles ridden in my career as a cyclist, as opposed to city planners who don’t usually ride bikes, but still make decisions for those of us who do.
Charlotte also has several signed bike routes to help you get from one part of town to another.  There is a growing multiuse path trail that will cross 30 miles through town when connected.  Many sections are complete and well-used.  In much of the city, it is possible to use your bicycle as your primary mode of transportation.  I live in Plaza Midwood and I can use my bike for everything. Some of the younger people moving into town often choose to cycle exclusively, never owning a car in the first place.  I believe cycling is part of the future of Charlotte.  
Through PMTNR we’re trying to help people get back on a bike, support local Bike Benefit businesses and share routes with them all while building road riding confidence.  Most people will ride on the greenway or around their neighborhood but wouldn’t otherwise be riding around on a Tuesday night. Our Tuesday group averages about 100 people each week during all but the coldest part of the year. Our stop almost always includes a bicycle benefits business.  This helps to familiarize new riders with all the places their bikes can take them in Charlotte.  It’s the highlight of my week.  It’s great to see so many smiling faces each week with flashing lights for blocks and blocks just riding around.  Come ride with us!

Live to the fullest

The one place I feel most fully engaged in life is on the seat of my bike.  I feel engaged in the community as I say hello to the walkers and runners as I ride down the street.  To the metal man pulling his grocery cart full of scavenged metal.  As I wave to the drivers of cars as they honk cheering me on.  As I see the Bike Benefits stickers on the businesses I pass.  I smell the honeysuckle.  I feel the cold front moving in on this September day.  I feel the wind.  I feel the pothole as I stand up on the pedals.  I see the squirrel dart across the road.  I see the hawk flying above.  And admire the skyline from afar.  And I see the various people riding their bikes around.  What a great sight to see more people riding more often.  And they are actually going somewhere.  They have racks and are carrying kids, dogs, groceries.  They have trailers.  They are at the grocery store.  Like the guy buying beer and ice to go to a music festival.  Just everyday things but on a bike.  Live life to the fullest.  Live life on the seat of your bike.  

Come ride with us.

New rider tips

Both of our rides, PMTNR and Sunday Slow Ride, are meant to be beginner rides.  And we have new people riding with us all the time.  Still, there's a few things I'd suggest.  

  • Any bike is usually ok to ride depending on your ability.  The best bike to bring is a bike with wider tires and a wide range of gears.
  • It is easier to ride a bike with at least 7 gears and you should know how to change gears.  
  • Make sure you can pedal for about 30 minutes without stopping.  That sounds harder than it is because you're sitting down the whole time and sometimes you're just coasting downhill.  
  • Make sure you can pedal at about the same speed as someone runs at (about 10 mph).  
  • Bring a buddy.  Stay together.  If you want to go home, go together.  
  • Pump up your tires before the ride.  Check them with a gauge and look at the tire sidewall.  You'll see a number followed by psi.
  • Bring a helmet, front white light and a red rear light.  Make sure they work.  
  • Adjust your seatpost for maximum power and to prevent your knees from hurting.
  • Show up at 30 minutes prior the meet time (this is 7:15 for PMTNR and 5:15 for Sunday Slow Ride) and make sure you don't get left.  This will give you time to check everything before we leave.
  • Review the rules before you come.
  • The ride lasts from 8 to 10:15 pm with a 15 minute break at the 10 mile mark.
  • Bring a positive attitude and have fun!




I've had the good fortune to meet so many great people through riding my bike.  Rocky is the one person who is more enthusiastic about riding than I am.  And that's alot of enthusiasm.  He was a friend of a friend and I finally got to meet him and ride with him.  He is one of my bike heros for his positive energy, how he rides all the time and he is a quite skilled and fast mountain bike and road bike rider.  Here's an excerpt from one of his facebook posts.  

"Today I will ride , not just ride but try to do it in another way. Just get on my bike and go, take roads that I don't know, explore… We all have our own meaning in riding, some it is competition others it is a good time… but to me it has always been about being at peace and clearing my head not getting it all cloudy with different thoughts . I sometimes forget (how old I am) when I get that rythm on road or in the trail, which I miss more than anything, the woods are the best place to be at times for just getting it out and having fun but the road now seems to be my place of therapy. Riding through the city is a blast , all the energy around you, cars, buses and people and the the lightrail. I always love to ride next to the Light Rail cause you can hear the energy coming through the tracks right before it gets to you. You try and beat it before it gets to the next stop. It is pure that sound. I always say the Kinectic energy surrounds all of us when we are moving on two wheels. We are part of that energy. It is just simply amazing… and the bike has helped…  I am a cyclist who loves to just get out and ride…Now Ride a Bike…"

I'm so thankful I've met these people through bicycling through Charlotte.  I've met the best people on bikes.  My kids call them "bike people".  Bike people are the best.  As Rocky says, Ride a Bike!

PMTNR blog post by Bethanie

One of the most fun things about PMTNR is the people you meet when you come ride.  Bethanie is one of those people.  I think she's awesome because she is always willing to help, give an opinion and is always so positive.  She also happens to be an armed forces veteran, a single mom, a raft guide, works with children and is a great writer.  And since she's competitive, I'm sure she'll be the top ranked female in the Charlotte, NC National Bike Challenge before it ends.  Right now she's #2.  Right behind the girl who rode across the country.  But Bethanie is just a few points behind.  

Here's a post from her blog about PMTNR.  She gets what the ride is all about.

And a big thanks to all the people who make PMTNR possible.

Ryan – tech support, maps

Marley – leading the ride, and for bringing Henry

Matt – map support

Mark – supplying people with bikes

Ride leaders – Bethanie, Scott, Tate, Grace, Tony, Miguel, Zeke, Jonathon, Leisure, Yamo, Liz

And most important – Pel – for riding sweep and being the most supportive patient person on the planet

Thanks for riding with us.  Invite your friends.  

I hope to ride with you soon.

My routes

You can take a look at all my routes.  These are on Map My Ride.    I need to get better about naming and tagging them so I can tell where they go.  But anyway, here's how to find my route on Map My Ride.  Type in PMTNR and Charlotte NC and they should come up.  If I can figure out how to post a link, I'll edit this and insert it in this article.  I'm not good at this stuff.   [Try (requires login, free) -RS]

Warning: I know these routes may not be the shortest, most direct routes but are mostly low traffic, fun to ride (that is, not hilly) streets.  '

Some people have said they'd like to learn to get around better by bike.  I've just ridden around on all the roads to see which ones I like.  I use a map book – the ADC Street Atlas so i can see all the streets.  Then I take a look at Google Maps and Map My Ride.  I can click on roads I want to be on Map My Ride but sometimes I plug in a destination on Google Maps and use the Bike option to see what it would propose.  Some paths and parking lot cut throughs aren't on Google and it won't allow me to add these on Map Maker since they dont' qualify as bike paths.  Most streets in Charlotte are very rideable.  The exception is the arterial roads.  Sometimes these can't be avoided since they are sometimes the only way to cross a RR track, creek, etc.  

Just ride.

National Bike Challenge – update

We are about 100 days into the National Bike Challenge.  This year we have 239 riders who have logged more than 112,000 miles!  That's a lot of miles.  These people are actually riding their bikes. A LOT!  The Challenge ends September 30th.  The competition will end but hopefully we'll all still be riding.

I'm planning a celebration for September 26th.  I'll try to round up some prizes that we can give away to the riders of the Challenge.  If you're observant, you'll notice this is on the same night as Critical Mass.  We'll have the celebration at the stop for September Critical Mass.  If you'd like to donate a prize, let me know.  These people have logged some serious miles during the Challenge.  It'll be fun to see them win something too.

Keep riding!  I'll look for you on the streets of Charlotte.

Upcoming Bike events scheduled

The calendar is filling up.  There's so many great bike events scheduled in the next few months.

Tonight: Critical Mass for August.  I think we're headed to the new OMB.

9/1 – Yard Art Day 2 pm ride from EcoLicious.  We'll ride around to view the various art installations.

9/6 – Common Ground music festival from 12-11 pm in Plaza Midwood.  The best way to arrive is by bike since the parking will be tight otherwise.

9/19 – National (Park)ing Day – hopefully I'll get it together to install a temporary park in a parking space somewhere.  We need to appreciate green space and common spaces more than parking spaces.  Thanks for riding your bike to help support green spaces.

9/20 International Day of Peace Scavenger Hunt to benefit a Travel Scholorship for Hosteling International.

9/26 – September Critical Mass

10/3 – New Belgium Brewing Clips.

If you would like to volunteer for the Clips event please message Harry Johnson with your e-mail address and telephone #. He'll add you to the master list and send to you the New Belgium volunteer tracking sheet which lists specific slots that need to be filled.

Here's the Facebook page for the Charlotte event, "LIKE" it, and start inviting friends.

10/4 Plaza Midwood Art Crawl

10/9-11 NC Bike Summit in Greensboro

10/31 Halloween Critical Mass – I think there will be a Star Wars theme

See the calendar for links and details.  

And all of these are in additon to the normally scheduled rides.  Get on your bike and ride!

1,000 miles

Here's how.  Come ride PMTNR and Sunday Slow Riders with me every week.  We ride 15 miles each time.  That's 30 miles a week.  Multiply that by 52 and that's 1,560 miles in one year.  And that's assuming, you'll be out of town, have plans, are sick or just lazy some weeks.

To put this in perspective, it's about 3,000 miles across the United States.  Since the National Bike Challenge started in May I've ridden about 1,600 miles or the equivalent of half way across the country.  That seems like a lot but it's basically just a little riding every day.  And you can do it too.

Bike Powered Parade Float

We've been building a bike powered parade float.  Thanks to Rob for building the float, Ryan for building the bike power and Marley and Grace for the construction of everything else.  Tate, Bethanie, Madison, Madison's friend and Josh and I also helped out.  Thanks to Dianna for proposing the idea and attending the mandatory meeting.  It is going to be awesome!  I'll add pictures later.  I don't think we took any tonight.  We were too tired.  Marley started early this morning and we finished up around 10 or so.  

The float will be in the first of many parades next Sunday.  The parade is the Charlotte Gay Pride parade.  And thanks to Dianna, bicycles will have a great presence in the parade.  If you'd like to volunteer to ride in the parade, please check out the facebook event page.  There is a need for 35 people.   We are in group 2 number 5. So we need to be staged by 11:00 and all the people need to be there at 12:15.  Join in on the event page or if you're not on facebook, let me know and I'll pass your info onto Dianna.